Welcome to Everlong, a medieval fantasy roleplay. For registration and character creation instructions, be sure to check out our guideline threads. Keep in mind that display names should be your character's first name, middle initial, and last name (in uppercase letters). Example: JOHN S. DOE. If you have any questions, feel free to ask!
ONE. No advertising
TWO. No spamming
THREE. Be cool and respect each other
FOUR. Don't pressure or harass others, this includes pressuring to post
Everlong's plot and setting are entirely made up and are the works of Mercy. Roleplay content and characters belong to their respective owners. The skin and graphics were created by Mercy, with the help of plugins and codes from various sources such as Proboards Support. Te various images used in the graphics belong to outside sources. Actions will be taken against those who blatantly steal from the forum.
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